This year, as mentioned in the previous post, Brad came with us to the pumpkin patch. Brad's technique in choosing a pumpkin differs significantly from mine. He likes to grab and go while I like to wander around and look at all my options and visualize what the possibility of each choice could be. At some point during our trip I told the kids one of my favorite stories about the time when we were first married, when Kelsi was a baby and we went 2 days before Christmas to choose a Christmas tree out of a Christmas Tree lot. And how we finally made it after dark and it was raining, and how while I was unbuckling Kelsi out of her car seat and getting out the stroller and the umbrella, Brad had jumped out of the vehicle, grabbed the first tree he saw, paid for it and had thrown it in the back of the truck. We were on our way back home before I even got started. Of course we all laughed at the story and then Brad made a comment that I've been thinking about ever since. He said, "Kids, mom just likes to enjoy the experience." You know what? That is very profound and absolutely true. The thing is, while I like the experience for me, I also want my friends and family to enjoy the experience with me. And, this year, amazingly enough everyone humored me in that. Everyone went to the pumpkin patch, almost everyone carved their pumpkin and everyone dressed up, got pictures taken and participated in halloween festivities. It was AWESOME! Brad even went with the disguise of my choosing. I hope I didn't pressure him, I just made it available, if he should choose to wear it. But you have to admit we made a cute couple!?

Kelsi, costume queen, decided to be a chimney sweep. She didn't need any help putting it together and true to form, she just took a little bit of this and a little bit of that and voila! She could seriously be on the set of Mary Poppins!

Afton has definite ideas about what she does or does not want to be. But time and time again she has chosen to be some sort of witch. Unfortunately to find a modest and cute costume she has to look in the "tween" section of the halloween store and because of her height most of them are too short and too tight. This year was no exception, she wanted to be a candy corn witch but we had to settle for this instead (a tiny bit short, but over all not too bad) Unfortunately because we ordered online we didn't realize that hat would be too small. She cut the band off and used it in her hair, but still, not quite the same as wearing a pointy hat.

Brady also has definite ideas about costumes. We have been talking about his costume all year. The girls and I were big advocates of him being Ace Ventura, Pet Detective! (How cute would that have been?) He humored us for a while and then went with... "Blind Guy". Whatever! Again, he knew EXACTLY what he wanted right down to the shape of the hat, the tint of his glasses and the specifics of the trench coat. I was dying, I knew there was no way we would find what he was looking for, but amazingly enough we found the perfect trench coat at Goodwill for $12. I didn't think that was possible at Goodwill anymore. He looked good and loved being in character.

As mentioned Brad went with a costume of my choosing. I wanted us to be an angel and a devil. He wanted to be the invisible man, frankenstein, austin powers and a myriad of other characters. I don't know if he was just being nice, ran out of time, or thought my idea MIGHT actually be a good idea, or maybe it was a combination of all. But we did end up going as an angel/devil couple. He fits the character though, right?

Since I was in charge of the Trunk or Treat at church I wanted to be festive and dress up, but I didn't want to be something that would detract. How perfect! And angel! I was amazed though at how hard it was to find a modest angel costume (lame). I was gearing myself up to make a costume (not my desire or my strong point) and then I came across an inexpensive "toga" costume! It worked out just right!!

I don't think we've ever dressed as a "couple". This is something I've always wanted to do (ever since watching the Brady Bunch where Mr. and Mrs. Brady go as Anthony and Cleopatra) Thanks Brad for giving me the "experience." I don't know why I'm like that, but it's good to be humored once in a while.