So some people might call me obsessed. You know though, I wouldn't call it that at all. Maybe a term like "highly interested" would be better. But me and 200 of my closest friends went to see New Moon at the midnight showing last night. (Ok, there were really about 20 of my friends there, but something about Twilight makes strangers seem like close friends - hmm, maybe it's just me) Anyway, we bought tickets weeks ago, re-read the book, made shirts for the occasion, got in line yesterday about noon, we squealed at all the right places, we enjoyed Bella's drama, Edward's sparkles and Jacob's muscles, we ate popcorn and got commemorative soda cups, we took pictures, we fantasized about Eclipse coming out in a few months and just generally enjoyed the who experience of a midnight showing of a movie that has been highly anticipated. If you're wondering what I mean about "experience" go here. This is why I'm in it. I love Twilight, I love the Twilight experience.
Here are some pictures from the night. FUN!!! I'll see ya, in line, June 29th for Eclipse!
No excitement here AT ALL!
We temporarily went over to Team Jacob (except Tiff - 3rd from right, who is always there) Jacob is the hero of the book/movie. He's the one who takes care of Bella. The shirts reflected our switch. They said Team Edward with claw marks through the word Edward, with Jacob written above. On the back was a running wolf - since Jacob is a werewolf.
here's me making the shirts - totally a great piece of equipment.
If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up (name that movie)
Other highlights -
Brad and Brady showed up around 9pm to bring us hot chocolate. It was so sweet and thoughtful. And, honestly, it was better than the Starbucks Hot Chocolate we had earlier. Grrrr... why didn't I take a picture of him strolling up and down the line with his jug and styrofoam cups.
My friend Erinn - not pictured :( was able to come to the movie. She got her car broken into a few weeks ago and the crooks stole her credit cards and her New Moon tickets (smart thieves). She was more upset about the tickets than the credit cards (priorities, you know) Of course by then the movie was all sold out. She and her daughter were supposed to come. I don't know who was more heartbroken. Somehow the manager got wind of her plight and got her new tickets. It didn't materialize until last night. She was ecstatic. And, amazingly enough, I had an extra t-shirt in her size. A ticket AND a t-shirt all at last minute. She's apparently living right.
My conversation with Afton on the way home. Afton: Bella is retarded for not picking Jacob, and she blinks too much. New Moon makes me hate Edward. Me: So basically you went to New Moon for Jacob? Afton (smiling): Yep, pretty much!
And the last thing...
Who does this remind you of?

I'll give you a hint...

AHHHHHHH!! LOVE IT!! I just want to cut and paste your post into my blog...we had all the same experiences (minus the T-shirts). I went with my friend and he teenage daughter (who also brought 2 of her friends). It was sooo fun to go with teenagers!!
I was going to say the exact same thing as Shannon! And wasn't Alice just the cutest in New Moon? I totally thought of Kelsi with her cute new cut when I saw Alice on the screen.
Loved the whole experience! And to quote Caroline..."I love all my sistuh's!"
Thanks again Stef! P.S. I love hearing your name all over the talk shows too =)
So I forgot the quote...from FBDO (Frerris Buler's Day Off). HAHA. And Kels does look SOOOOOOO cute! I think she is cuter than Alice... :)
very fun...and somewhat crazy! your name is on talk shows?
cute hair kelsey! and i'm so excited to see new moon with some girly friends on monday, although i will still admit to being more "interested" as you put it into harry potter...
Oh my gosh, Kelsey is looking so K-U-T-E!!!!!!!!!!! Love the hair. I have a hair appointment tomorrow for a new do, might even consider that!!!! She won't mind an old hag copies her! Obsessions are OK, they keep life sweet and interesting! My current one is MIKA!!!!!! I can't stop playing his music and I have his pic on our refrigerator!!!! FUN!!!!
Cutest post in the blogging world today! And Kelsi looks absolutely a-DORABLE in that pic. I loved Alice in the movie too. Totally darling. June won't get here fast enough!
I love how you put a picture of you doing the shirts. They turned out sooo cute. I almost kept it on as PJ's but then thought it might feel weird sleeping next to my husband wearing someone else's name on me. (Not to mention my ever present loyalty to Jacob! How would that make HIM feel?) ;)
And just think... somewhere in Theater 5 or 7 was some jerk who was enjoying a free movie because they stole the ticket from Erinn's purse. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the potty mouths sitting behind me...
Oh wow she totally looks like Alice- and that's a good thing! They are both adorable.
Love your shirts!!! I was wishing so bad last night that I had some apparel to wear. Your design is awesome. Looks like you guys had a great night!
I LOVE IT!!!! Man I wish I was there! I haven't seen it yet but I am dying to. Some of my friends went and said it was better than Twilight. Oh, I can't wait! Sounds like you guys had a blast! How fun!
This is Lynse by the way but Keeper would probably say the same thing. He loves the books. He's read them more than I have!
Love the pictures! And I love your machine! It looks like you guys had a ton of fun! How did the girls do with school the next day?
So jealous that I wasn't there, too! But I had a great time with my girls, a memory for life!
I obviously need to read these books. It seems everyone loves them and is having fun with the movies, etc. I'm just a bump on the log!
I wanted to thank you for your note. I was surprised to hear you had passed my post along and that they shared it with the youth. Very sweet and very, very flattering.
Thank you!!
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