Just anticipating writing this post has gotten me a little emotional. I just can't figure out how I got so lucky... so blessed.
One week ago I got back from spending 4 days with some of my favorite people in the entire world. Somehow it just all came together for me and my 5 sisters, 1 sister-in-law and my cute mommy to be able to get together in Texas for several days. We live in 6 different states so we don't get to see each other as often as we would like (sniff, sniff). It was all a bit spontaneous a unplanned, but somehow we were just all available this particular week.
Here are some of the reasons I'm feeling extremely blessed
*Everyone was able to come
*Everyone was able to afford plane tickets
*We all have exceptionally supportive husbands who took over "Mom" duties while we were gone
*There is no one among us that we have to "walk on eggshells" around
*I feel supported and loved by all these lovely people. I don't have to be anyone but me
*There are no hard feelings among us

*Everyone is positive and happy
*We are all in general good health
*We got to see downtown Austin, eat at good restaurants, and stroll leisurely around the river

*We got to talk and talk and talk some more
*We all have testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ
*Playing the Wii with Noah and Austin

*Watching the Olympics
*Even though I got a cold (and laryngitis) I didn't have to miss out on any of the festivities
*I didn't get anyone else sick
*Talking and talking and talking... til 2 in the morning every night
*Steve T. was a great sport and let us rough up his house and take over his bathrooms
*We ate yummy ribs and tortellini salad, lasagne and taco salad
*Running with Janet (shortly before I got sick)
*Putting Noah and Austin to bed (I read a counting book, and Captain Underpants to them and sang some songs. I felt honored that out of all the cool aunts there, they chose me)
*Ate the yummiest donut of my life at Gordough's (when can I go back?)

*Being there for Emily's 9th birthday
*Eating lunch with Noah at School
*Ate super good Shrimp Tacos at Chuy's
*Flying with Mom (much funner than flying alone)
*Did I mention all the talking we did? Listening from the other room sounded totally chaotic - but we wouldn't have had it any other way - Steve is a Saint
*Laying in bed one morning listening to everyone talk in the kitchen. I could hear and recognize everyone's voices, it was so dear to me.
*Perfect weather
*Helped in keeping Austin Weird
Maybe this will never be possible again - I hope that's not the case, but you never know. So for now I just revel in being so extremely blessed to have had this experience. I love you all my family!
There's now a joke in the family going around about "The Brother-in-Law" get together. Can you imagine? If it ever happened you can bet it will be a lot more expensive than the girl's trip
Our Hosts -- The Theriaults
And since I know you are dying to know...
Here are my top 3 favorite photos of the trip! (no explanation needed)
My #1 favorite picture of the trip!