No, Husband Tag isn't a new reality show (like Wife Swap) it's just a post dedicated to that cute guy you call your husband. And a few questions that maybe you haven't thought about for a long time or maybe not at all.
1. Where did you meet? In San Jose, in the Almaden Young Adult ward. I always laugh when I say we met at church, but really, I think it's the perfect place to find a quality guy. (much better than a bar:)
2. How long did you date before you got married? The time that passed was 1 year, 2 months. The time we dated was about 2 months at the beginning and then 7 or 8 months at the end. The missing 4-5 months??? That's a story for another post
3. How long have you been married? In a month it will be 18 years!
4. What is your favorite feature of his? I love his eyes, but he knows it's really his hands. He has very sexy hands. What is it about hands? I could name off a whole list of guys with great hands (again, a post for another day... maybe)
5. What is your favorite quality of his? His ability to talk to people. He is sincere and funny and very non-threatening.
6. Does he have a nick-name for you? No, not really, neither of us are big into nick-names. I wish we were, it seems like a fun thing. We have a few private jokes - but nothing that is used regularly
7. What is his favorite color? I think it's blue. I didn't know this for a long time. I always thought it was green. And just for the record, he looks awesome in burnt orange.
8. What is his favorite food? He doesn't have any NOT favorite foods but he does rave if I make something like salmon with fruit salsa. (or if I make some sort of casserole like his mom used to make:-) And of course we can't forget See's Candy... is this really considered a food though?
9. What is his favorite sport? Golf to play, hockey to watch.
10. When was your first kiss? Probably sometime mid November of 1989. He says I kissed him first... I don't think that was the case.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We like to go for walks, I wish they were strolls, but he likes power walks. We like to watch Seinfeld reruns, they never seem to get old.
12. Do you have children? Yes, 3
13. Does he have a hidden talent? He's a really good singer
14. How old is he? 46 (yep, the truth is out)
15. Who said "I love you" first? I'm not sure if he's ever said it? LOL, just kidding... but we do have another way of saying it. (post for another day:)
16. What is his favorite type of Music? 80's techno. (Ha! Ha! That is so far from the truth:) Actually it's Classic Rock and 70's music.
17. What do you admire most about him? He is super dedicated to his family. He always wants what is right and best, he works hard and tirelessly to make sure we are taken care of and he has a real talent of "making things happen."
18. Do you think he will read this? With a little reminder that I keep a blog he will.
There, that was fun. Thanks Annette, I bet you thought I forgot. Now it's all y'all's turn. I want to hear all about your hubbys and how great they are.