I've been thinking about doing a post about this for a while.
Have you seen these? The Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" series? They just crack me up. I'm not sure that they are all on the up and up, but I'm pretty sure you can find them for any genre. I don't know what the origin is (and I probably don't want to). I would say it's akin to "the 7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon". Something that is a little bit random, that was probably started by a fan just to have something to do and then just took off. I'm not sure why Ryan Gosling became the feature in these - but any knock-offs with other people just aren't as good, and I'm not saying that because I'm even a Ryan Gosling fan. Not really.
My favorite ones are of the "crafting" genre. I think the reason they are so appealing and so outrageous is that, it's almost ludicrous that any guy would know about any of these things let alone be a party to them. But for sure, it's what every girl secretly wants... to be understood, to be validated, to have the guy she likes take an active interest in what she is interested in and to put her above his own feelings and desires. I guess it's what we all want, right?
The following are some of my favorite, see what you think.
This one is my all time favorite. It must be because it hits so true to life. Brad absolutely can't handle stepping on a pin, even if I'm sewing and the pin is only inches from the machine itself. He thinks I knew he was going to step in that particular spot so I planted it there just to cause him pain. He thinks I'm consciously trying to kill him. It's happened more than once.
(Did I ever tell you about the time that I didn't get all the Simple Green cleaned up off the counter and his food touched it, and then he ate it. I think he was ready to file a "husband endangerment" suit against me. He had a big freak out. I know he thought I had it in for him.)
This one's got to come in handy for some Young Women lesson don't you think?
But really, think how every girl would feel like a super hero (and how motivated she'd be) to have some guy tell her how great it is that she has her YW Medallion.
I don't know why I felt like blogging about this. I guess it's one of those things that is kind of a puzzle. Something that is very quirky and too good to be true but somehow awesome if it was... well, maybe...