Well, last night we finished the 8th season of American Idol. I admit it I'm a junkie. I've watched every season and loved them all. Just call me a slave to pop-culture. It's ok... I like buying into the hype. I appreciate how each year the judges, the fans and, of course, the contestants become more sophisticated (generally). But one thing hasn't changed and that is, I ALWAYS like the underdog - is it my nature to root for them or do I like things that the rest of America doesn't? Every year I have wanted the 2nd place contestant to win.
Here's a little recap just in case you have forgotten (or missed a season)
Season 1: Kelly Clarkson - winner
Justin Guarini - 2nd place

Season 1 was the only exception to this rule of wanting the 2nd place contestant to win. Of course Kelly Clarkson rightly won. Cuz in the grand scheme of things there were no other contestants. I mean really...

(Just as a side note I heard Justin was trying to get one of his songs into the new Twilight Movie - hmm, who knows, maybe its good)
Season 2: Ruben Studdard - winner
Clay Aiken - 2nd place

I really liked Ruben and I thought he had a great voice. I wanted Clay to win. Clay should have won.

Season 3: Fantasia Barrino - winner
Diana DeGarmo - 2nd place

Well maybe this year didn't count so much... I didn't like either one of these finalists, bleh. In the end though I was still rooting for Diana because Fantasia bugged (and still does). SCREEEEECH!!!!!!

Season 4: Carrie Underwood - winner
Bo Bice - 2nd place

Now here's where I went wrong and I have since repented. I thought Bo should have won. I really liked Carrie but I felt like she did this weird "disconnect" thing with her eyes when she sang(I thought she looked bored or something) . She still does it, but now I recognize it as "effortless singing."

This is a very dumb reason to write her off, and my exact point about becoming more sophisticated in being able to hear, see and judge talent. Carrie is BEAUTIFUL and is one of my top 3 favorite idols, ever! And Bo??? Where exactly is he?
Season 5: Taylor Hicks - winner
Katherine McPhee - 2nd place

This year was another weird year. Taylor Hicks? I mean, come on... He's likable and everything but this year should have gone to Chris Daughtry. Taylor and Katherine were just poor substitutes for the real deal.

Out of the two, I wanted Katherine to win. But she hasn't done much either. Very sad for the both of them.

4th place???? This is absurd! He's a total STAR!
Season 6: Jordin Sparks - winner
Blake Lewis - 2nd place

Here's another one I have repented of. I was disappointed when Jordin won. She was so young and I was afraid of what she might produce. I thought she won because of the song the the 2 finalists sang at the end. It's the same song. Jordin rocked it! Blake did not! It did not fit his vocal style at all. He was robbed.

I now love Jordin's songs. I have them on my iPod. I'm glad she won. Her age had nothing to do with it.
But I still love Blake, where is he? Come on Blake throw us a bone!
Season 7 David Cook - winner, David Archuleta - 2nd

Last year was a particularly tough year. I really liked both the Davids a lot. But in the end, I had to go with David Archuleta. His voice is "like butta". I mean I'm not kidding! I'm glad they both have successful albums. I own them both, I like them both, but I have to say that, even now, I listen to David Archuleta more than David Cook.


So now this brings us to Season 8, the one that ended last night. This is the first season that went just how I though is should. The first 9 contestants going off in whatever order... fine for me. This left us with Danny Gokey, Kris Allen and Adam Lambert.
As much as I love Danny he needed to leave when he did. It made me sad when he had to go though.
This left us with Kris and Adam.

Adam was the popular favorite from the beginning. He is radical, and theatrical and very

talented. He isn't bad looking and he is shockingly humble, despite his dramatic appearance and personality. He grew on me over the season, even though I was a little put off by his
persona, and a little annoyed by his lifestyle choices,
I really grew a little thing for him during the group number that Paula choreographed. He was very entertaining to watch. There is no doubt he has talent on MANY levels. I found him to be quite versatile, quite likable, and quite a good choice for an American Idol.
When Kris came on the scene, it all changed. The first time I heard him sing on the show I was like, "Wait a minute! Stop the presses! Who is THAT?" He is by far the best looking guy this season, he's the boy next door, he plays the guitar AND the piano, he has a cute little crooked mouth when he sings, he has great hands, and my personal favorite; when he plays the guitar and the microphone is on its stand, I love when he stops playing for a minute and holds the mike with his pick hand. He's got his finger all curled up (holding his pick) and it is just the best. I searched high and low for a picture of him doing this but only found one little blurry one. I guess you'll just have to go rewatch his performances.

I've ended up downloading all his songs. He is without reproach (to coin a Jane Austin phrase). I literally can not stop listening to his voice. It does so many cool things. I wish I knew vocal terms so I could tell you what it is I'm hearing that I love. Maybe there aren't words for his little inflections. But to me it sounds effortless. Like he doesn't plan for his voice to do certain things at certain times but it just does it, and it turns out to be the best thing that could have been done at that particular moment. Now, maybe he DOES plan it all out (what would I know) but to me it is purely beautiful.
I know about now you are saying, "Stef, I think you've developed a little crush on that guy." And though I'm a little red faced over it, it's true. I've watched during past seasons as my friends were enamored with the likes of Elliot Yamin, David Archuleta and David Cook. It was funny to me and now I'm as guilty as the rest.
But the point of it all is that the person who won is the one I wanted to win... this has never happened before... not since Kelly.
Well gee, thanks for the rundown. Since I don't watch AI (but hear all about it from friends) it was nice to see a play by play of all I missed.
I know exactly what you mean about his voice doing that effortless sounding change, that I love too by the way. He really is soooo great and good looking and all that good stuff. I loved his style and what he did with songs. I love that he really is the boy next door, singin' with his guitar and piano to soundtracks, unlike Adam who was obviously trained vocally all his life. Yes, Adam grew on me and really was entertaining, and does have a great voice. But I can't help it... I have a crush on Kris too. I'm a happy one today!!!
stef, you're cracking me up... thanks for the recap, i think we've watched most of the seasons (some more than others)... i've never voted, but i definitely wanted kris to win! YAY!
And this is another of the millions of reasons I love my Stefani MOGUL friend!
What an awesome rundown. Oh how we love our Kris!
WOW, thanks for the recap. I kept trying to keep of all the winners and their particular seasons and I couldn't remember! Now I do, thanks to all this info right in front of me. Kris is VERY cute and I am glad he won too!!!!!! YOU ARE SOO FUNNY!! Thanks for calling me today to get all the gossip about it! HAHAHAHAHA. You crack me up!
You are a hard core AI fan!!! I like it a lot too. But life this season was way too busy and never got to it. I got to say we share the same feeling about David Archuleta, he is just plain adorable and his voice is just amazing!!!
Holy cow...do you know your American Idol or what. As I was reading your post, I was thinking that you should become an author...you are very passionate about what you write and have lots to say! I liked Kris better too. I agree that Adam was talented and all, but I don't know that I'd really buy an album. Kris sings more my style of music.
I am so glad Kris won. Although, I like Danny Gokey. Adam just sounded too similar to my girls yelling matches that I could not enjoy him. :)
I have a slightly better percentage than you...only because I wanted Carrie Underwood to win from the beginning. Other than that, I have been doomed to like the second place finisher most seasons. I still have bitter feelings that Clay Aiken didn't win. I mean, seriously? I'm just so glad that Kris broke the streak. Adam was seriously talented, but totally not my style. :)
Haven't watched AI for the past 2 or 3 seasons but enjoyed the recap! I totally understand that feeling of wanting someone to win a show and being ecstatic when they actually DO!
I.. still.. am a Survivor fan. This season we wanted a certain Survivor to win and the votes were UNANIMOUS. Our fave is now a millionaire. And he also won an additional $100,000 by being voted the most popular/likeable cast member.
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