Here are some things I love and appreciate and admire about Kelsi
~ easy to have a conversation with
~ has her own style
~ isn't overly concerned about how others see her
~ a hopeless romantic
~ loves to learn
~ a deep thinker
~ beautiful
~ truthful
~ good sense of humor
~ not embarrassed about her family (too much)
~ has a VERY creative mind
~ feels deeply

~ resourceful
~ stunning eyes
~ careful
~ loving
~ keeps her cool (mostly)
~ good student
~ chooses the right
~ solid and stable
~ good example
~ talented in piano playing, movie editing, writing, drawing and scriptural knowledge.
At the risk of sounding too much like a proud and pleased mother, I'll curtail my list. But my heart is full and my tears are overflowing thinking about my sweet, loving 16 1/2 year old. I love you Kelsi!
P.S. She gets her braces off starting in tomorrow! Woot! Woot!
Never too late to post about our children. You were just putting off the inevitable...crying! This was such a sweet, beautiful post for a sweet beautiful girl. I love Kelsi too!!!!!
Kelsi melted my heart at girls camp when she said, "Sister Sowards..... I miss you." She's a beautiful young woman inside & out.
Kelsi's so awesome! I love the second pic.
awww, my Kelsi! We miss you!!!!
Awwww! Baby Kels (AKA shashi) is all grown up!! sniff sniff
awww... i love kelsi too!
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