Yesterday was Brady's 12th Birthday. Since I was in charge of the Ward Activity last night Brady pretty much had a dull birthday. It all started out with a bowl of Lucky Charms and a slice of toast in bed (honestly though, that's what he said he wanted). Then we headed down stairs for gifts - the girls thought he was spoiled, but it took all of 7 minutes to find all his gifts (we do the "hot/cold" game as a tradition in getting birthday gifts). Then it was off to finish decorating at the church, thinking of the last minute details of party planning, cooking food and getting dressed for the Christmas Party. Then at the party, poor Brady was waiting all night for the M.C to announce a song for the birthday boy. It never happened. Something about Brady's mom (and by extension, his dad) was running around like a crazy person and totally forgot until we were walking out the door to our car at 10:00 p.m. I felt so bad. I am so blessed to have a son like Brady though, that is easy going and just laughs at stuff like that. I didn't even get a single picture of him on his big day.
However, in the scheme of important birthdays - Brady's real important moment came this afternoon, when he was set apart as a Deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. I wasn't prepared for the onslaught of emotion that hit me as I looked at my baby sitting there in his brand new suit with his dad's hands on his head. It is a bonding moment, a tie to the past, a bright outlook for the future. Something that is so small and usual in the church, but something that has such import for years to come - dare I say even into the eternities. The rush of tears was unexpected, but I shouldn't have been surprised. It was a special and important moment.

Here is a picture of Brady with his dad (and Bishopric member), our super-supportive Home Teacher, Loren Dickson (left) and the other awesome Bishopric member, Steve Russell (right) (the Bishop was out of town). The other picture is Brady with his friend Bradley Dickson, perspective Deacon, who was also present for the setting apart. Bradley summed it up best with his little note on the chalkboard in the Bishop's Office that read, "Brady's Awesome!" I couldn't agree more.
That is sooo great. Congrats to Brady!!! Hugs to you all.
What a great day. And we had to miss it, too. Would love to have been there but the timing was off just a day or so.
Aww... look at the little deacon. How cute. Spencer will join the ranks in 2 weeks
He did such a good job giving his favorite Article of Faith in Sacrament meeting! What a cutie! I feel responsible for not getting a picture of him Stef. What's my problem?! And I didn't think of singing to him till later when I commented on fb. Some friend I am! At least your home teacher is a thoughtful one. I love what you wrote about him receiving the priesthood. Very touching! Great pictures too. Brady IS awesome!!!
Good going Brady! So neat and so exciting.
Wow! Brady looks so grown up all of the sudden! What a doll!
Oh, my sweet little Brady!!! How did he get so old to receive the priesthood? So happy for you guys and for that little man!
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