Who knew? Today when I went to Subway and they asked me if I wanted jalapenos I said, "Yes, extra jalapenos please." What? Where did that come from? Am I just getting old (are my taste buds dying off and need an extra boost of flavor?) or has that yummy taste been there all along?
My favorite is when the spicy of jalapeno taste mixes with the sweet flavor of the sweet onion sauce on the teriyaki chicken sandwich. Mmmm, oh ya!!
What has gotten in to me? When I got married I didn't even want to eat peperoncini peppers on anything. And heaven forbid if the salsa was any hotter than "mild". Brad laughed at me and labeled me as stubborn (probably a fair label). Finally out of sheer embarrassment (a grown woman picking peppers out of the Olive Garden Salad), I ate a few. And low and behold, they were quite tasty indeed. That was the limit though. Jalapenos were WAY over the line. They were ugly, had an unappetizing crunch and they were definitely TOO HOT! Somewhere along the line (I'm not even quite sure where) of my biweekly trips to Subway (someday I'll give a full account of my addiction to Subway) I acquired a taste for them. And today I ordered EXTRA! Miracles never cease!
Hmmm, just thought I'd share.
You're welcome!
YUUUUUUUM. My pregnant self has been craving SUBWAY (and I try to contain myself) and for SOME reason, I too, really like the jalapenos!!!! YUM IN THE TUM! I have always liked spicy things though, especially with in the last 18 months. (don't know why). The hotter the better...which reminds me. Have you seen Man vs. Food?
Jalapenos make those sandwiches more delicious!
Wait! What? You didn't even call. Or did you?
Wish I knew it was a Subway day... I have a free footlong I need to cash in on!! ;)
I'm still in the mild salsa phase of life. And I'm too much of a wimp to let a jalapeno anywhere near my plate. I'm sure my latina ancestors are frowning down on me from above...
So you like jalapenos, but do you like onions yet?
Yeah, I am your newly married self. Those things make me want to gag. I can't imagine EVER giving them a fair chance.
i'm slowly acquiring a love for spicy taste in food too! i always figured it was because I moved to texas and here everything is hotter! :)
So are you considering joining JA (pronounced "Ha!")
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