It's been a year and I'm still recovering from this...

She knows what she's done. She taunts me with her open defiance.

For those of you who have asked me how watermelon out of your own garden tastes, I still don't know... Heck, I may never know!
Ask Macy she seems to think it's pretty darn good.

Pray tell, how does a dog cut a watermelon clean in half? I can't even do that with a butcher knife.
Stef, I'm trying hard not to laugh. I'm sorry about your watermelon. I can't believe it was Macy, not sweet little Macy. Girls can be so sneaky!
Oh man. What a little stinker! Her and Landon should get together and be naughty! Do you have ANY watermelons left or are they ALL demolished?
"Sweet little Macy" is a master criminal. She's got it all figured out. Except she usually has her henchmen (Chase and Troy) do the dirty work. I'm convinced she's the mind behind it all :)
No wonder we didn't have any watermelon for dinner yesterday?
bummer... that little theif!
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