Here's how we all dressed up this year.

"My fellow Americans..." -- ya, pretty much, I'm a joke!

Notice the dunk tank behind me -- how fun is that? These pictures were taken at our building Carnival and Trunk or Treat. Which incidentally it was my last activity as Ward activity chairman.

Imagine you're really arrogant. Knights like to think they are so much better than everyone else!
- quote from "Merlin". Kelsi's new favorite TV show (broadcast from the UK)

Check out the Gun Show over here! Boom! Boom! Fiah Powah!

Grizzly, ghouls from every tomb, are closing in to seal your doom.
So, I attempted sewing costumes this year. Not only that, but taught Kelsi how to sew her own costume. Again I ask the question, "What was I thinking?" In the end we had to do some switcheroos. Brad was supposed to be the wizard, but my sparkly, purple witch dress broke my thread or my needle about every 20 stitches. That project quickly got scrapped. So, I became the wizard and Brad became... um, errrr... well, let's say a "politician"... one that couldn't give a speech without a teleprompter. He had a great time "expounding" to us all in his best orators voice.
Brady's idea of a zombie was much simpler than the one I had in my head. Also he had no patience for fake blood or anything that had to dry, so that costume wasn't too painful.
Kelsi's costume was fabulous, of course. She really does have a vision and can make something from practically nothing.
Afton and Taylor Lawrence were matching football players. My best halloween deal came as part of their costume. They wanted red knee socks. I looked EVERYWHERE and there were just no red socks to be had (except some sparkly Christmas ones with snowflakes), let alone ones that came to the knee. Just about the time I was about to give up and buy ugly white ones for 6 bucks a piece. I found some on a neglected rack in Walmart. They were on the very bottom and covered in dust. The price was 2 pair for $4! SCORE!
Everyone looks Spook-tacular as usual!!! Love the haunted house
Yay! I miss those famous Meyer Halloween parties. The Carnival and Trunk or Treat was another HUGE success and reflection on you! You were an awesome activities chair!!! All your costumes were so great. Brad was hilarious! Why didn't you post my favorite one of you, swooshing your long sleeves around? Kayla was looking at it on facebook and had some new song (party like it's 2012 on and it was so happy with your picture) I need to start thinking about next year and not procrastinate for once! Maybe Loren and I will get into it for a change! We always look forward to certain families costumes on Halloween and yours is at the top :)
is it weird that i want to move into that haunted house? total fixer uper and i love it! tell brad to try harder next time... lol love you guys and excited to see you in a few weeks!
So fun! Love your costumes, as usual! :). Congrats on your last activity as chairman!! Yay!!
Very creative "all around." The teleprompter politician ... ha ha. The haunted house. When mom and I have driven by that place, we always think it has so much class. Greast picutre of it.
I like the picture of the haunted house. Awesome costumes as usual. I especially like Kelsi's.
Love the costumes, what a cute fam. I am still so amazed at Brady. He's grown up and so so tall since last time I saw him, probably at the family reunion. So crazy!
Love the costumes!! Y'all are so much fun...please move to Oklahoma so we can ALL party together!! It would be a riot!! I wish you were in our ward to be our ward activity person!!
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