Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love Week -- Day 4

So I love these 2
Troy and Macy
Troy and Macy

This is how they sit. Troy is always on the left and Macy on the right. If they happen to get the other way around, they'll adjust.

If you're wondering how else you can tell them apart, look at their eyes and ears. Troy's eyes open wide with ears up. Macy's eyes and ears both droopy.  Macy also has a white patch of fur on her chest. We also call Troy Fuzzy Face, can you see it? The fur on Troy's face sticks out a little giving him a fuzzy look. Macy's chubbier and more "horse-like". Troy is skinny (too many other things to do and think about besides eating)

This is how Troy looks at you when he thinks you have something for him - which is all the time. Or when he's anticipating going with you - which is all the time.

Macy's favorite place to be is outside or on her bed.
She has the best "doggie-smile"

We also call Macy "The Awkward Couch Sleeper"
She always looks a little stiff - probably because she knows deep down she's not supposed to be there.

This is how Troy prefers to be. The center of everyone's world. And don't you think he's cute enough to deserve it?

He also does this. Can you say demented? He likes to suck on his blanket. It's like a pacifier to him. What dog does this? We used to try to stop him, now we encourage it. If nothing else it keeps him out of trouble.
HA! I was only going to post a couple of pictures and be done with it. They are just too adorable. I can't help myself.


I also LOVE the dentist. 

Specifically, Dr. Swanson. 
He's my childhood dentist (Along with Dr. Brockbank and Dr. Leavitt) and he's THAT good that I still go to him. Brad and I still drive all the way up in San Jose to do so. The sad part about it is he's getting ready to retire. He's in semi-retirement now. 

If you look carefully at the photo below, you can see the results of my idiocy a couple of years ago when I used my tooth as a tool, and chipped my front tooth. I had it bonded once (by someone other than Dr. Swanson) and within a couple of weeks it popped off. I really wanted it redone and done right by the guy I knew could do the job. He came through.

 Below is the finished result (sorry about the view up my nostril) Smooth as can be. Dr. Swanson said it could come off again if I'm not careful, but I can already tell it is a lot better than the first time. I didn't know how precious my teeth were to me until this incident. 
Now I've just gotta get that dang crooked one fixed (ya, it's the same tooth).  I might leave it though, I think it adds character.

And speaking of teeth. Afton get's her braces off (FINALLY!!!) in about 6 weeks!
We are beyond excited! 
Here she is showing me how straight her teeth are.
Ya, she's weird.


Annette said...

Super fun post! You have the cutest dogs and the best teeth out there! And Yayyy Afton!!!

Shannon B said...

I am laughing sooo hard at Troy sucking on his blanket! HAHAHAHAHA. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard!