No, this isn't the band... this is the temperature it was at the pumpkin patch last Thurs. when we went hunting for pumpkins. (it always seems we can't visit a pumpkin patch unless it's over 90 degrees) Needless to say, everyone was mighty quick to pick out the pumpkin they wanted, none of this going back and forth, "Do I want this one or do I want that one...or hey! how about that one over there???" Yep, pretty much they would have liked it if I just picked one out for them while they waited in the air conditioned car. We brought Macy with us and she was most interested in the dead, rotten pumpkin she found off to the side. But, heat wave aside, we still got some cute photos. I love the green and the orange together. Fall colors are fabulous even if it is Sahara Dessert weather. Someday maybe I'll post some pictures of the other years we've spent in the pumpkin patch in the blazing heat.

1 comment:
Great shots Stef!!! I love the looks on their faces, totally depicts the heat. We went to the same patch and were there for about 10 seconds too, so I didn't get any good pictures. We did get to see a horseback rider trot by though. Macy is adorable.
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