Well if any of you know me very well, you know that the last thing I like to do is to discuss items that may cause controversy or confrontation. And politics is something that I wouldn't normally post about on my blog.
That being said, I, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have been instructed by divinely inspired leaders to get the word out there. They said to use Facebook, YouTube, Texting, Twittering, Websites, and yes... BLOGS. Now don't misunderstand, just because I wouldn't normally post items like this, doesn't mean I am not glad for the challenge and the opportunity to make a difference in getting Prop. 8 to pass. If posting on my Blog helps, then I am happy to do so.
As scary as it is for me to go door to door, to make phone calls, post a blurb on my blog, or to insert my political opinion, I am so grateful for the chance I have to CHOOSE how I think it should be, and to educate people on the ramifications of the defeat of Prop. 8. Of course I hope that enough people will cast their vote in the affirmative, so this proposition will pass, but what a great opportunity to be able to decide. I'm glad we don't have someone (king, dictator, judges - did I just say judges?) deciding for us. (well, in this case we ALREADY decided in 2000, and then 4 judges took that decision away from us -- I'm grateful to have the chance to RE-decide)
Because this Proposition deals with sensitive, moral and mature issues, sometimes my position is seen as discriminatory or intolerant. Like I feel like I'm ELITE in supporting traditional marriage. But at least this time, this issue that is on the CA ballot, isn't about rights, toleration or discrimination. People might site the mistreatment of Blacks, Jews, Women and many other cultures, religions and beliefs in this case as being the same type of thing. And even though this initiative can be misconstrued as being discriminatory ( even like these other instances) it really isn't. Last time I checked, gay people, can drink out of fountains, ride public transit, vote, and have laws in place that help them receive the same benefits as heterosexual people/couples, and I would not want to change that. Unfortunately there are those that may not be tolerant or might hate gays or the gay community, but please don't think that I (and most others who support this proposition) fit into this category. A Yes vote on Prop. 8 won't add or take away any rights of gay people. What this is about is, the Supreme Court in CA changing the law AFTER the voters already voted to keep marriage defined as, "between a man and a woman", several years ago. What we are fighting for now is, to have this definition reestablished. Personally, I like to know that my vote is powerful and when I (and the American public) vote something into law, I feel undermined to think that 4 --yes, only four-- judges could overturn the decision of 61% of the voters in CA - do you know how big California is?.)
In addition to keeping our voting privileges secure, keeping the definition of marriage as "between a man and a woman" keeps church and state separate. If Prop. 8 does not pass, churches can loose their tax exemption status, religious adoption agencies will be forced to change their policies or close, any teachings of exclusive heterosexual marriage (even in church) can be viewed and prosecuted as "hate speech", schools will HAVE to add certain things to their curriculum that my go against some family's moral teachings. There are also many more repercussions that as yet, may be known or unknown if marriage is redefined.
This is not a slight on gay people. I know many, and have had many as very good friends over the years. I don't want to discriminate, I love them (REALLY, I do! I know, I seem naive and uneducated and that I'm not being sensitive to their wishes and desires, but I have lived in CA my whole life, there are many gay people to know and love) And there DOES need to be ALTERNATIVE ways of taking care of rights and privileges that doesn't, in the long, run discriminate against the rights and privileges of traditionalists and religious groups and peoples. This is what this Proposition is about.
As we have talked to many people about this issue, Brad and I have found many out there who feel the same as some of you. That everyone is entitled to happiness, or who cares what "they" do, it's "their" business. But most people don't realize how it may likely affect them and their families if this proposition fails. I hope this helps with a little perspective and I want you to know, I respect everyone's political views. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree, and other times people just need to know the results of such a drastic change, and THEN we can agree to agree. That's what this blog post is all about.
Don't think I am against you or your friends (or my friends) who are gay. I just have rights to protect too, please don't fault me for feeling strongly about it.
I know that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God. I am glad to have God as a part of my marriage. I just hope I can live up to the high standard.
Now, just to lighten the mood a little bit. I am posting a picture of Brad and Me on our wedding day. Don't laugh too hard. What a great guy Brad is even if he used to have "BIG" hair. LOL!!
(Sorry the quality of the photo is bad)
Thank you for posting this. I feel exactly as you do, I just am not the best at expressing it. You made it very clear as to how it could affect what our children will be taught (which, when it comes to those kind of beliefs, should be taught in the home) and how it will affect religious practices and rights if it does not pass. There will be huge repercussions. I too was born and raised in California and have gay friends who are wonderful. I don't want to take any rights away from them, I just want to keep the definition of marriage between a man and a woman. So, I am going to vote YES on Prop 8.
Right on Stef. Thanks for posting your views.
I don't know too much about this since I live in WA but your article informed me. I agree with you. The rights of gays ARE very fair (riding busses etc) but marriage IS and should always be between a man and a woman and don't think our children need to be taught anything more than that!
You can't say you're not a bigot when you still desire to eliminate rights that currently exist. The conservative-dominated supreme court of California ruled that disallowing same sex couples from marrying was unconstitutional. I don't understand at all how you believe that someone else's ability to get married damages the institution in your home. I don't want to have anything to do with you, I just want you to leave me free to make my choices. I can impress upon you the fact that the "theory" of evolution has more scientific evidence than any intelligent design theory ever had. I can impress upon you the fact that you pick and choose which aspects of the Bible (or your related religious texts) that you choose to follow. I can impress upon you the fact that it is PROVEN that progression and freedom are more effective, inevitable, and indicative of a healthy nation. If you wonder why the country is facing conservative backlash right, I can sum it up for you in a few words: Conservatives and the religious right spend all of their time trying to demean and persecute other people. Progressives and liberals try spend all of their time trying to free and equalize other people.
You can say you're not a bigot until you're blue in the face, but if you believe that for some reason, the action of others in the sanctity of their own homes and lives will affect yours is xenophobic and more of the hate mongering that is obviously dramatically reduced, as evidenced by the country's reaction to the past eight years of failure and John McCain.
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